Crossfit OnRamp Day 3

I walked into Day 3 a bit apprehensive and a bit excited, as I was still quite sore from the previous two workouts, but looking forward to seeing what would come next.  As I walked in, two folks from the regular class were finishing up sets of pull-ups and wall balls,...

Crossfit OnRamp Day 2

Following Monday’s workout, I found myself a bit sore on Tuesday, with some pretty sore legs by Wednesday.  Despite the soreness, I was excited to see how the second day would go.  I got up early, got a banana in me for a bit of fuel (still taking it easy on...

Crossfit OnRamp, Day 1

So after a couple years of sitting on my rear-end writing and chasing little ones, coupled with a wife who’s a great cook, I’ve fallen WAY out of shape, and my weekly volleyball match isn’t nearly enough exercise.  So I finally bit the bullet and...

Free AP Physics C: Mechanics Videos

It’s been a crazy couple months, but last night I finished up the flipped class videos covering the entire AP Physics C: Mechanics curriculum.  My goal was to try and target all the major points of the course requirements in roughly 6 hours worth of videos,...

The Novel Never Written

It’s been several months of planning, thinking, dreaming, taking notes, etc., but I recently finished my outline for my first novel, “Entanglement.”  Entanglement is a Sci-Fi novel set in the near future about a man whose wife and daughter are taken...